Assurance and the Tests of Life (Part 1) March 19, 2017 (Sunday Morning) 1 John 4:13–15 | Kyle Wells Series: 1 John
Your Steadfast Love is Better than Life March 12, 2017 (Sunday Morning) Psalm 63:1-11 | Johnathan Keenan Series: Guest Preacher
Cry of the Soul March 5, 2017 (Sunday Morning) Psalms 42:1-11 | Johnathan Keenan Series: Guest Preacher
What is Love? Baby Don’t Hurt Me February 19, 2017 (Sunday Morning) 1 John 3:10-18 | Kyle Wells Series: 1 John
The Serpent-Crusher; The Sin-Destroyer February 12, 2017 (Sunday Morning) 1 John 3:4-10 | Kyle Wells Series: 1 John
Devastated by Mercy February 5, 2017 (Sunday Morning) Psalm 51:1-19 | Johnathan Keenan Series: Guest Preacher
Missionaries to a Secular Age January 29, 2017 (Sunday Morning) Acts 18:1-11 | Kyle Wells Series: Global Outreach Sunday
The Cult of Busy and the Kingdom of Grace January 22, 2017 (Sunday Morning) Haggai 1:1–11 | Kyle Wells Series: Stewardship Sunday
Marriage and the Roles We Play January 15, 2017 (Sunday Morning) Ephesians 4:32, 5:22-33 | Alex Watlington Series: Guest Preacher