Living as Exiles August 23, 2015 (Sunday Morning) Jeremiah 29:1-14 | Geoff Shaw Series: Guest Preacher
Our Response to Power August 16, 2015 (Sunday Morning) 1 Samuel 24:1-22 | Jaimeson Stockhaus Series: Guest Preacher
I Have Called You Friends August 9, 2015 (Sunday Morning) John 15:9-25 | Joe White Series: Guest Preacher
Seek not the Gift July 26, 2015 (Sunday Morning) Philippians 4:10-23 | Kyle Wells Series: The Philippians
Taken and Taking Captive: Thinking and Acting Under the Lordship of Christ July 19, 2015 (Sunday Morning) Philippians 4:8-9 | Kyle Wells Series: The Philippians
How to Live in Disagreement July 12, 2015 (Sunday Morning) Philippians 4:1-7 | Kyle Wells Series: The Philippians
Enemies, Citizens, and the World’s Coming King July 5, 2015 (Sunday Morning) Philippians 3:16-21 | Kyle Wells Series: The Philippians
What the Gospel Does to Your Resume June 21, 2015 (Sunday Morning) Philippians 3:3-11 | Kyle Wells Series: The Philippians