When Light Meets Darkness October 16, 2016 (Sunday Morning) 1 John 1:5-10 | Kyle Wells Series: 1 John
Abiding in the Love of God: Intro to 1 John October 2, 2016 (Sunday Morning) 1 John 1:4; 2:1; 5:13,21 | Kyle Wells Series: 1 John
Our Mission: For the Life of the World September 25, 2016 (Sunday Morning) 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, 11:23-26 | Kyle Wells Series: The Lords Supper
Memorial and Covenant September 18, 2016 (Sunday Morning) Luke 22:14-23 | Kyle Wells Series: The Lords Supper
Community: The Expression of God’s Unconditioned Grace September 11, 2016 (Sunday Morning) Romans 12:1-16 | Kyle Wells Series: Community Sunday
Eucharist (Joyful Thanksgiving) August 28, 2016 (Sunday Morning) Luke 22:14-23 | Kyle Wells Series: The Lords Supper
Communion and Community August 21, 2016 (Sunday Morning) 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 11:20-22, 27-34 | Kyle Wells Series: The Lords Supper
Communion and Consecration August 7, 2016 (Sunday Morning) 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, 11:23-26 | Kyle Wells Series: The Lords Supper