Grace Requires Obedience July 21, 2013 (Sunday Morning) Philemon 1-3, 8-20 | Kyle Wells Series: Disruptive Grace
Identity and Relationships: Paul’s Pastoral Tactics July 14, 2013 (Sunday Morning) Philemon 1, 7-20 | Kyle Wells Series: Disruptive Grace
Philemon’s Challenge and Ours June 23, 2013 (Sunday Morning) Philemon 10-19 | Kyle Wells Series: Disruptive Grace
Philemon’s Faith: What a Changed Life Looks Like June 16, 2013 (Sunday Morning) Philemon 1, 4-7 | Kyle Wells Series: Disruptive Grace
Can I give up yet? June 9, 2013 (Sunday Morning) Philemon 1-13, 17-19 | Kyle Wells Series: Disruptive Grace
The Story of Philemon (or How Christianity Turned the World Upside Down) June 2, 2013 (Sunday Morning) Philemon 1-13, 17-19 | Kyle Wells Series: Disruptive Grace