The Power of the Gospel September 15, 2019 (Sunday Morning) Romans 1:15–17 | Kyle Wells Series: Rooted
Learning to Abide: Listen September 8, 2019 (Sunday Morning) Luke 10:38–11:4 | Kyle Wells Series: Abide: Drawing on Life in Christ
Learning to Abide: Sabbath September 1, 2019 (Sunday Morning) Deuteronomy 5:12-15 | Kyle Wells Series: Abide: Drawing on Life in Christ
Learning to Abide August 25, 2019 (Sunday Morning) John 15:1-11 | Kyle Wells Series: Abide: Drawing on Life in Christ
God’s Great Dilemma August 18, 2019 (Sunday Morning) Exodus 34:1-8 | Reed Jolley Series: Guest Preacher
Peacemakers August 11, 2019 (Sunday Morning) Matthew 5:9-12 | Johnathan Keenan Series: Guest Preacher
The Hope of God’s Grace August 4, 2019 (Sunday Morning) Ruth 1:1-18 | Johnathan Keenan Series: Guest Preacher
The Warrior King July 21, 2019 (Sunday Morning) 1 Samuel 18:1-5 | David Stoddard Series: Guest Preacher
Wounded Witness July 14, 2019 (Sunday Morning) 2 Corinthians 2:12-17 | Joshua Burdette Series: Wounded Healers