The Gifts of Holy Spirit May 3, 2020 (Sunday Morning) I Corinthians 12:4-13 | Kyle Wells Series: The Holy Spirit
Spiritual Fruit in the Time of Corona April 26, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Galatians 5:16-25 | Joshua Burdette Series: Quarantine Services The Holy Spirit
Jesus’ Promise of the Holy Spirit April 19, 2020 (Sunday Morning) John 16:4–15 | Kyle Wells Series: Quarantine Services The Holy Spirit
The Breath We Need Right Now April 12, 2020 (Easter Sunday) John 20:19-22 | Kyle Wells Series: Easter Sunday Quarantine Services
Learning to Lament the Coronavirus April 5, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Psalm 13 | Kyle Wells Series: Quarantine Services
When He Appears: You Can Only Imagine March 29, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Revelation 21:1-4; 9-14; 21:22 - 22:7 | Kyle Wells Series: Quarantine Services
Waiting with Naomi March 22, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Ruth 1:3–5; 14b–17; 19–21 | Kyle Wells Series: Quarantine Services
On Fasting March 8, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Matthew 6:16–18 | Joshua Burdette Series: Sermon on the Mount
On Prayer: What to Pray March 1, 2020 (Sunday Morning) Matthew 6:7–15 | Kyle Wells Series: Sermon on the Mount